Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dear Icy Hot,

You smell like mint. My lovely mother bought some for me to put on my legs after doing so much bending and stretching at rehearsal, and I lathered away, in my room and with the door closed.

Not two minutes later, I heard one of my roommates say to the other, "Do you smell mint?"

"Yes!" said the other, "And is smells sooooo good. Do you know what that is? It's making me hungry."

"I have no idea, but I really really want some, too."

I've stayed in my room ever since, hoping they continue to hunger after the cream on my knees.

Love, Tanika


  1. bahahaha. *win* I LOVE Icy Hot. Because its Icy....then it's HOT. I wonder how they came up with the name? ;)


  2. Funnily, I put some on yesterday morning JUST after shaving, and it was hot, really hot, REALLY REALLY HOT to the point that my legs were red, then it was icy like how it should be. I wouldn't recommend it.
